Wednesday, August 10, 2005



space shuttle discovery has touched down safely at edward air force in california yesterday. its the first shuttle mission since the columbia incident in 2003. but it is now grounded with the rest of the fleet until that foam problem is resolved.

they are already back but i am still here, counting the months, appreciating art, admiring the curves of natural beauty. other beings from space may also have landed, and may have close encounters of the 3rd kind. but are they already here ? could be. we've heard the sightings of ufo's almost everywhere. even in our country. my friend once said, "if god has created men as the finest and smartest being in this universe, who the hell these aliens could be?" then, they could not be smarter than us. but they fly flying saucers faster than our jetplanes. they could not be dumber could they?

hope i would have a close encounter with them before my dying day. and ask them to teach me how to fly their saucers (fulfilling my childhood dream to become a pilot). wouldn't they be dumb enough to do that?

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