Tuesday, June 07, 2005



At the medical unit we had 2 doctors. One a lady another a Dato' now. Quite a number of patients waiting outside, but they were waiting for their lady doctor (but no sign of her presence yet). Before entering I had a chance of exchanging glances and 'howdy' to some of the patients.

I wanted to have a blood test. After taking a seat besides the doctor's desk, I started opening our conversation on golf. This Dato' doctor is a social golfer alright. That's how golfers start their talk. While telling his little jokes on his recent game, he slowly slid in the needle to my vein. Of course there's no pain when the doctor does (comparing to some inexperience nurses).

After the 3 tubes were full, we changed our talk subject. This time on the heart, arteries, plagues and catheters and other medical jargons. Too much lipitors may lead to stress. Stress may add to degenerating of blood vessels.

His advice on regular exercise (20-30 minutes a day) may lower my LDL. While leaving his room his last words were: "Keep enjoying your golf game." *thanks doc... may the power be with me*

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